
Showing posts from September, 2021

Post #2: My best holidays

  Since I was a child, I went to different places for holidays and I really enjoyed all of them, some of them more than others. But the best holiday I ever had were on February of 2017, when I was 17. It was the first time in my life traveling too far away alone, and for so long. I went to Puerto Montt with three friends, Valentina, Michelle, and Paz. We stayed in Valentina´s grandparents house for about a week, her grandparents were kind and sweet people. We did a complete tour of the region, we went to a lot of different places in Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Chiloe, Frutillar, and Petrohue. We visited toreutics destination, natural parks, national parks, restaurants, and craft fairs. That was the first time I saw such beautiful places, with all that magnificent and imponent nature. Despite the cold in the south of Chile that I don’t like it at all, I really enjoyed that holiday in Puerto Montt with my friends, eating, traveling, and laughing.

Post #1: A country you'd like to visit

As a good anime-manga lover, I definitely would like to travel to Japan, if I had the chance someday. Japan is the home of anime, manga and videogames, and all the things related to these topics, like themed food, collectible figures, anime museums, stores full of videogames or manga and even the offices were the anime and manga is being produced.  Another reason that I would go, is because Japanese culture is interesting and beautiful, that is captured for the aesthetic of the country.  The last reason is that I’m a huge fan of the Japanese candies, traditional or not, I enjoy them. Those always have such interesting and delicious flavors, even the packaging’s are funny. Probably I would spend a lot of money visiting anime museums or theme parks, buying candies, manga or anime things, and visiting cultural or natural places. And for that reason, I would have to save a lot money, meaning that have to get a job in Chile to pay for this whole touristic trip.