Post #6: Time travel in the future

 Actually, I am an extremely pessimist person about the future. Especially in environmental matters. Because of my current degree, which is Natural Renewable Resources Engineering, I know a little bit more about what is at stake now and in the future. And in present the humankind has been exceeded the environmental limits of the earth, not all of them, but 4 that are very important. So, in my opinion the future does not look bright for humans. We must deal with the actual climate change and future problems like a probable biodiversity collapse, water scarcity, oil depletion, among others. For those reasons, I wouldn’t like to go to the future. In fact, I don’t want to have children, for those reasons too. Future is too uncertain to know what would happen, and that makes me extremely difficult to choose where I would go, or even if I would go in first place.

I prefer to focus on which things I could do now to help the environment and people. Finding ways to prevent problems that have not happened already, helping with solutions to actual problems that can be solve, or at least helping to make the consequences of the actual problems, that doesn’t have solution, more bearable for people. Due to contribute for a better present, and obviously for a better future.


  1. I also think that the future does not look bright for humans :(

  2. you're right, the future doesn't look very bright but we can focus on the present for a good future :)


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