
Post #8: English Language Challenges

I really enjoyed the English subject during this semester, both classes and written activities were enjoyable and challenging to do. In synchronic classes, miss Barria created a good conversational environment, that made you wanted to participate, where she kindly corrected your mistakes, and taught you the right way to express yourself. I learned how to talk and express myself about a huge variety of topics, which resulted in an improvement in my communication skills in this language. In my opinion, the written activities, which in this case were the blogs, were a good method to constantly practice grammar skills and improve them in the process. Besides that, as I mentioned before, those were fun and challenging to do, because the blogs´ topics were amusing and interesting. Apart from that, I think I need to improve my communication skills, amplify even more my vocabulary and review all over again basic grammar rules. For thar purpose, I have the intention to take an English course, f

Post #7 Changes to my study programme

As I said in previous post, I am a third year Natural Renewable Resources Engineering student. Until now, I notice that my current degree has a huge diversity of subjects. The subjects cover almost all the areas or topics about natural renewable resources and engineering methods, giving important knowledge from a general point of view. For example, I have mathematical, biological, chemical, physical subjects, even some environmental law subjects. Also, some of them are linked with project management or territoriality. So, as far as I understand, in the first 3 years of study, you ended up the degree knowing about multiple topics o areas, but nothing too specific. Then, in the following two year, as far as I am aware the subjects are more specific to certain topics. In fact, you must choose professional electives, which delve deeper in different areas of interest to the degree. In relation to workload and length of studies based on my experience, it is a lot of information to learn

Post #6: Time travel in the future

  Actually, I am an extremely pessimist person about the future. Especially in environmental matters. Because of my current degree, which is Natural Renewable Resources Engineering, I know a little bit more about what is at stake now and in the future. And in present the humankind has been exceeded the environmental limits of the earth, not all of them, but 4 that are very important. So, in my opinion the future does not look bright for humans. We must deal with the actual climate change and future problems like a probable biodiversity collapse, water scarcity, oil depletion, among others. For those reasons, I wouldn’t like to go to the future. In fact, I don’t want to have children, for those reasons too. Future is too uncertain to know what would happen, and that makes me extremely difficult to choose where I would go, or even if I would go in first place. I prefer to focus on which things I could do now to help the environment and people. Finding ways to prevent problems that have

Post #5 : Your future job

As a Natural Renewable Resources Engineering student, I would expect to have a job related to that. The thing is as a student of this degree, I have no idea what kind of job I would be doing. But I do have an idea about what kind of job I would like to have. I would prefer to work most of the time indoor, and maybe travel sometimes across the country to visit relevant natural places like natural parks or reserves, in order to experience, connect and know from the source, more about nature. In addition, I would like to travel to “Sacrifice´s Zones”. To know by myself the consequences that people who lives in precariousness have to deal, because of nature's degradation. With the aim to be able to help somehow those people with my capacities in the near future. For this reason, my goal is to study a mayor about renewable energy management and maybe some courses of Environmental education. Due to, work in sustainable solutions for the “Sacrifice´s Zones” and been capable to teach peopl

Post #4: A funny or important moment of your childhood

When I was a child, I was one of those incredibly energetic kids. I used to play and run all the time, no matter where I was. And one of my favorite things to do, at that time, was playing soccer. But at the first schools I went to, I couldn´t play because my male classmates didn’t let me, for one simple reason… I was a girl. And girls are not allowed to play soccer. So, in Sport class or recess of those years of school, most of the time I was angered, sad, or frustrated. Due to every time I wanted to play, first I argued with my male classmates or second, they didn´t let me play. But everything changes when I attended to last school. I was in my first class of Sports, and I asked to the teacher if I could play soccer with my male classmates. To my surprise, he said yes! and even my male classmates agreed, despite the shock and confusion in their faces. For me, that moment was very significant in my life. Because finally I have been able to do what I want to, and be true with myself.

Post #3: Hobbies

  I have several hobbies that I enjoy. All of them are home hobbies, because I like to stay at home most of the time. The first one is playing videogames of different topics in my free time.  A few examples are shooter games like “Borderlands”, survival horror games like “Alien Insolation”, or action-adventure games like “The last of Us II “.  The second is watching anime, also in my free time. Since I was a child I have been watching anime, so you can imagine the number of animes I´ve watched until now. But these days I am watching an anime call “Cells at work!!”. The third is reading manga. A hobby that I do in my free time; when I eat my breakfast, lunch, or diner, and even in the breaks between classes. Also, in these moments, I am following and reading a bunch of mangas.   Finally, the last one is doing exercise, 4 to 6 days a week. I usually do exercise in the afternoon, around 5 or 6 p.m.  I do weight training with dumbbells and cardio.

Post #2: My best holidays

  Since I was a child, I went to different places for holidays and I really enjoyed all of them, some of them more than others. But the best holiday I ever had were on February of 2017, when I was 17. It was the first time in my life traveling too far away alone, and for so long. I went to Puerto Montt with three friends, Valentina, Michelle, and Paz. We stayed in Valentina´s grandparents house for about a week, her grandparents were kind and sweet people. We did a complete tour of the region, we went to a lot of different places in Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Chiloe, Frutillar, and Petrohue. We visited toreutics destination, natural parks, national parks, restaurants, and craft fairs. That was the first time I saw such beautiful places, with all that magnificent and imponent nature. Despite the cold in the south of Chile that I don’t like it at all, I really enjoyed that holiday in Puerto Montt with my friends, eating, traveling, and laughing.